Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Keepsake for Elise~
And here it goes~
Day 137 :- Elise's maiden outing, roadtrip, sleepover, travel....
It was due to the long raya holidays that we decided to take a trip down central to visit Elise's uncle. We left after work at about 7ish and reached damansara at about 11ish.. I thank God that she was such a sweetie that she sleep through the whole way and by the time we reached, she was a waken by the noises of her cousins as well as her aunt and uncle. She then went back to bed at 12ish.
She was able to sleep anywhere and not 'recognising' the place.
Day 138 :- We were suppose to go up Genting Highlands but did not go up there till late in the evening and only had dinner then we made our way back home. :) Again she was fast asleep.. My sleeping beauty... hehe.. Mummy (Me) was very happy that day too, cos daddy had to renew his membership so he bought mummy a gift.. :) ** Thanks hubby~ <3 5="5" and="and" boba.="boba." for="for" god="god" hours..="hours.." in="in" it..="it.." managed="managed" morning="morning" nap="nap" nbsp="nbsp" out="out" p="p" she="she" shopping="shopping" sleep="sleep" thank="thank" the="the" to="to" twice="twice" walked="walked" we="we" were="were">
Day 138 :- Went to Church in the morning and we went back to take a nap after that and only went out for dinner at about 5ish, that again... 5 hours of walking and carrying Elise in the Boba... I must say, it is better to have a SSC than a stroller!
Day 142 :- She managed to turn herself so many times today that when we went back home, and as i left her alone on the bed, she TURNED! again.. and thank God she's in the middle of a King Size Bed.. *Note to self ** don't leave Elise on the bed alone without setting up a barricade just in case she falls off the bed.. Oh ya! and she's now trying to push herself upwards when she's on her tummy.. She managed to do a 180 degrees turn when on her tummy.. its definitely an action to say 'YAY'!!
*i will take video the next time~ 3>
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Welcoming the Boba back home.. Teehee..
I got the kangaroo print and i hope its gonna be good for me for carrying my darling girl.
After trying the Boba from lunatots, they gave me a discount of RM50 off the rack price of RM438.. I would say its the cheapest in the market.. I hope i don't underutilise this SSC.
Anyway, during the time when i tried the Boba i was in fact carrying my Darling Girl (DG) the wrong way.. As i read in its instruction booklet newborn are from 7lbs to 14lbs.. Which is 7kgs.. And i have to put her in the frog position. . Which i didn't when i tried it.. I dunno if Shes comfortable being in d frog position? ive never tried and she stiffen her legs whenever i try to cross her legs..
I guess i just have to practice wearing her more often then or atleast till she's 7kgs!!! Woots!!!
*Sorry pic is wrong side.
4th Month Follow Up with Dr. Pong ~ :-)
She's now 6.04kg and growing well. At the age of 2 months plus, her weight was 4.81kg. after 2 months, she's now 6.04kg!! WeEeEEee, i'm so happy each time her weight is taken. That is because i will know how much my darling is weighing, hmm... but she seems heavier to me... my arms can't really carry her too long anymore as she's heavier now. (WeEeeEeEee.. i'm so happy she's put on weight and going into the 5th month). She has also grown taller by 4.5cm. Hopefully when we visit the Drs again she will put on more. It'll be delightful to see her cheerfully growing, happily playing, cheekily smiling, cooing and gurgling at me and everyone that calls to her.
She has yet to turn completely by her own yet as i see that she hardly wants to turn. She will turn to one side completely but she doesn't face down. Maybe its because of our bed? Its rather soft and has this 'lumps' and 'holes' which in my opinion makes her harder to turn. But with a lil help... she's on her hands and feet. If on the flat surface yeah.. she can pretty much turn on her own, just that she doesn't do it often. Maybe once a day? Well, i guess the number will increase with the passing days.. till then, i'm still a very happy mummy who is still 'free' ( not having to monitor her for fearing that she will turn and fall off the bed or knocking her head on the wall if she's too near the wall )
I've also not put on her mittens during day time for a few days now.. its better, she's not got cold fingers nowadays as compared to the initial times when it was removed. :)
And this is my lil girl today after her jab.. at her 'day room'.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
I made my own soaps. ... WeeeEeEeEeeeEEEee
I recently attended a handmade soap class, they taught use how to make our own dishwashing soap, and 2 types of body and facial soap one of which is an olive oil soap and another is goats milk soap with shea butter. I thoroughly enjoyed the class although it was tiring stirring and waiting.. But the outcome is good.. :)
The process that took place is just a very simple one whereby the ingredience are measured for us... And what we need to do is just to mix the lye water.. Then adding in the oils. . And stirring till it is trace.. It took a longer time to stir the dishwashing soap as compared to the olive Oil soap and the goats milk soap.. After completing all that and making sure it is able to 'draw' an 8.. That means it is OK and is given the signal to stop.. (by the way if you beat to fast there will be bubbles and hence it will create a moon like surface on d soap.. And we sure don want that.. So..we have to patiently stir it to avoid having the bubbles).. Then we pour it on to its mould and let it set for 30 days..
And Wah la!!
My soaps..
I have no idea why didnt my olive oil soap set in yet.. Even after 30 over days my soap is still sticky at d bottom.. Hmmmm...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
4 wonderful months..
I love this missy of mine to bits!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
I'm coming back!!
I've always wanted to blog again just that i can't find the time to blog. ( Blame it on the lazy bone and also there's nothing much to blog about ) Well except that i'm now happily married and mummy to a wonderful lil' darling princess. WaAaaAAHHhHHh~ Time FLies!!!
Time really did fly, it's just like i started this blog not too long ago. And now look at the abundance and blessings.. hehe.. God said "Be fruitful and multiply". So it is..
Anyway here's a picture to cheer up your day~